Season after season, we would crane our wooden Lacustre (1730 kg) on to land and transport her to other lakes. This complicated and delicate endeavor got easier and easier – with time we had our crane time down to 30 minutes (hauling out AND laying the masts).
Now it was time to attempt the same with a boat weighing somewhere between 21 and 22 tons. As always the preparation was important – we had a transportation company to aid us with their huuuuuuuge crane (they also mount wind generators) and tons of crane/loading experience. What a show!
To begin, Henry and Walter transported the boat to a ferry landing with lots of open space. We would be too heavy to cross bridges, so we had to leave the island of Mors and go onto the mainland. The boat was cleared and a bazillion lines were organised into the proper place for storage.

Emma spent the night at the landing, we got there at the crack of dawn and the crane operator was already set up. We were expecting some rain, but the day turned out to be gloriously sunny and calm.

Lifting the schooner (fore) mast.

Henry constructed an elaborate system of pegs to seal the mast in. These, and the turnbuckles, needed to be stored properly for the next set-up.

There goes the main mast …

A flatbed showed up and was elongated and the masts were loaded on. These guys were so efficient!

Then the x-shaped thingie-bob (I’m sure it has a name) got attached to the wide straps which went under the hull and Emma got lifted out.

She dangled in the air until the flatbed came back.

The crane swooped her around and onto the flatbed, where she was propped up and tied down.

She then made her journey over windy roads through fields and villages.

And got backed into Andreas’ workshop area, where she will stay until next spring.

The hall were the masts will be hung in storage.

A quick lift into the air …

… and we’re ready to build a frame / cradle to support her. Wood and tools were at hand.

Very fine adjustments to the base so that she sits level.

Constructing the frame and checking every detail with the level.

And there you have it. The job got done in 8 hours (instead of 12 as planned) and everyone was satisfied.
It’s a strange feeling to still be in Sillerslev without Emma in the harbor. She’ll be back in the spring and we look forward to completing and painting the interior then. We hope that we can live on her when we come to visit in the Fall of 22 and test out all the comforts (heating, kitchen, bed, water, etc. etc.) as well as to sail her with Henry in the Limfjord Rundt.