Building a cabin is a costly and delicate job. Every last centimeter needs to be utilized for storage, spaces are tiny, surfaces are neither straight nor level, safety needs to be considered and last but not least – on a traditional wooden boat, one expects the cabin to have that traditional wooden look …
As a first step, Henry C. planked the interior, covering up the massive structural elements. We then searched for a boatbuilder/cabinetmaker who would have the skills and the perseverance to approach this project, and found a great partner in Andreas Svane, who built out the cabin in the Winter and Spring of 2021/22. In the Summer of 2022 we could sail and sleep on her and enjoyed a three-week delivery cruise in our new tiny home. We will continue with interior finishing and painting ourselves as well as the installation of further systems (electric, plumbing etc.)

(Before) The forepeak is a tiny space that might house one (very flexible) crew member as well as a lot of supplies and the anchor chain.

(Before) Walls without lining. (This is a view into what will be our sleeping cabin space).
Cabin construction by Andreas Svane
With her thick oak walls and limited standing room, Emma does not offer the type of interior space that sailors are used to when they charter their Beneteaus in the Med. In order to get the most out of the space we had, we needed help from an expert and chose to work...