Join us on our sailing adventures! At the moment, we are still constructing EMMA – she was first sailed in June 2020 and saw more action in September 2020. Her home waters, the Limfjord (Saling Sund), are sheltered and windy and convenient for test runs. We hope to join the traditional ships of the Limfjord Rundt in 2022. At that point, EMMA will hopefully have her systems and interior installed and will allow us to live on board.
Delivery cruise from Limfjord to Aero
In mid-July 2022 Emma was put back in the water after her cabin construction, and brought back to Sillerslev, her home harbor. This step was quite hectic as the last construction details were being completed the night before the crane crew showed up. Everyone was very...
Speeding along ….
We are very pleased with EMMA's performance so far. Of course, she's a bit lighter at the moment (interior missing and anchor chain on land) but still -- for 20+ tons she gallops along like a mad elephant cow. The Limfjord offers perfect conditions with steady, strong...
Raising the topsail
As you might have noticed, there are normally some gaps in the top of our schooner rig – that's where the topsail and the fisherman will be raised! We got the topsail up using yet another classic method: The sail (and its yards) were loosely bound with soft yarn,...
Sailing in strong winds, September 2020
On one of her first outings under sail in September 2020 EMMA joined the fleet of traditional boats on the Limfjorden Rundt. We were not officially participating, but could not pass up this opportunity to sail alongside these beautiful ships and to see how our speed...
Getting ready to sail
Before you can finish the boom, you need to know where your out-haul and reefing points go. For that you need to have the sail. We were very happy to work with Holmsegel from Schleswig who are not only knowledgeable in modern sail making but also can show some...